Is Your Sewer Line Leaking? Here’s What You Need to Know

A leaking sewer line is a serious problem for any homeowner, and it will require prompt attention to address. While this is a major problem to encounter, homeowners are frequently unprepared to address it. This can lead to them feeling more stress or having a higher likelihood of making mistakes. Due to these factors, you may want to review some common questions and answers concerning sewer line leaks. What Could Cause the Sewer Line to Start Leaking? Read More 

Why Professional Plumbing Help Is A Good Idea For Leaky Faucets

Every year, millions of leaky faucets develop across the nation. These leaks are usually quite small at first but can become a serious issue given enough time. That's just one reason why it is a good idea always to get professional plumbing help if you have a leaky faucet. A Leaking Faucet Is An Expensive Issue When you have a drip occurring in your faucet, you are losing upwards of 7-10 gallons every day. Read More 

It Needs Your Help: 4 Reasons You Should Care For Your Septic System

If you have a septic system, you need to keep it in good condition. That includes watching what you flush down the toilets and what you process through the garbage disposal. It also includes having it serviced at least once every three to five years. Failure to follow those simple safety procedures could leave you facing some serious problems. However, taking the steps to keep your septic system well-maintained can add years to its life and prevent many problems. Read More 

How Broken Plumbing Pipes Can Be Repaired

A broken water pipe can happen for a number of reasons. The pipes in your home might be old, or they might burst due to freezing or accidental damage. Pipes can also break in natural disasters. Whatever the cause, a broken water pipe is a plumbing emergency. When a pipe spews water at full force into your house, major damage can be done quickly. Turn off the water supply immediately and then consider your options. Read More 

3 Important Tips When Dealing With Backflow Issues On Commercial Properties

Backflow can be a huge problem for your commercial property. It can happen for many reasons and if it's not addressed, your property's water source could get contaminated. To prevent these issues from affecting your company -- and the surrounding community -- keep these tips in mind.  Monitor Garden Hoses  Garden hoses are a natural source for backwater as bacteria and chemicals spread around the nozzles. That's why it's so important to keep an eye on garden hoses. Read More